Submissive White Girl Summer - Part 2

Submissive White Girl Summer - Part 2

I awoke the next morning and jumped in the shower. I heard a knock on my door, so I got out of the shower, wrapped a towel around my body, and walked to the door. I saw an envelope on the floor that someone had slid from the outside, and it was addressed to me. I picked it up and asked who it was. "It's Mr. Bernstein, the landlord. I am here to fix the things that you said needed fixing," he replied. I had totally forgotten about it. I let him in, and he seemed embarrassed that he caught me taking a shower. "I'm sorry to bother you so early, but there are many things I need to do today," he explained. He asked me which window would not lock. I pointed to the window, and my towel fell to the ground. I hurried to get my towel back around me and noticed Mr. Bernstein checking me out. I smiled and jokingly asked if I could get the rent lowered for the free show. He laughed and apologized for staring.

I let him do what he needed to do around the apartment and finished my shower. I was sitting in my room in a bra and panties when there was a knock on my door. I put on my robe and asked, "How may I help you?" Mr. Bernstein asked if anything in my bedroom needed fixing. I mentioned that the closet door was squeaky and the doorknob wouldn’t turn. He chatted a bit while he was fixing the door and asked what I was doing. I replied that I was making a grocery list and a list of other items that I needed for the place. He advised me not to park too close to the door because people were moving out that day. I asked how many full apartments would be available this summer. He informed me that half of the apartments would be filled, and the others would be remodeled.

The next thought that crossed my mind was whether Ron would be one of those guys moving out. Mr. Bernstein finished up, left his card, and told me to call him if any problems arose. I smiled and joked about him enjoying the show.

I threw on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts and headed out the door to run my errands, completely forgetting about the note. When I finally opened it, I saw it was from Ron. The note instructed me to cook him dinner that evening and included a number to call to provide my measurements for the night. I dialed the number and reached a boutique. I explained that I was told to call and give my measurements, which I did. The store informed me that I could pick up the clothing at any time that day, and when I asked about the price, the lady said it had already been taken care of. I thanked her and asked for directions.

As I continued to read, Ron outlined several guidelines for the evening. The first was to be dressed and have dinner ready by 8 o'clock. The second was not to have my hair in a ponytail or worn up. The third was to be completely shaved. The fourth was to go without underwear. After reading that, I felt a rush of excitement, knowing that the possibility of being intimate with Ron was likely that night. The other guidelines were minor, like wearing heels, a specific perfume, playing certain music, and having scented candles in the bedroom.

I added those tasks to my to-do list, then walked outside my apartment with a spring in my step and a smile on my face. I completed all my errands and stopped at a boutique on the way home to pick up clothes for the date. When I told the lady at the counter who I was, she commented on the authenticity of my chest. I confirmed they were real, and she complimented them. While looking around, I noticed a few pieces of lingerie that caught my eye. I inquired about my size, and the lady found them for me. After trying them on and liking what I saw, I purchased them as well.

Once back at my apartment, I unloaded my car and felt exhausted from running errands. After putting everything away, I began to think about what I would make for dinner. I decided to rest and watch some TV, but my curiosity led me to open the box with the clothes Ron had bought for me. Inside, I found a short, tight black dress. Initially, I thought I would look unflattering in it. However, when I tried it on, I noticed how tight it was and how my figure stood out. Despite feeling like I resembled a hooker at first, the more I looked in the mirror, the more I liked it. I took the dress off, hung it up, and eagerly awaited what would happen that evening.

Around 6 pm, I began preparing for the big night. After showering and starting dinner, I anticipated Ron's arrival. As the clock approached 8 pm, everything was going smoothly, and I started to feel sexually aroused. Passing by a mirror, I noticed how the dress accentuated my nipples. When Ron arrived at 8 pm, he expressed his approval of the dress and asked if I liked it, to which I nodded and replied yes.

I served him first, then got my dinner, and we ate while chatting. Ron inquired about my day, and I mentioned running errands. The conversation then shifted to the previous night, and he asked how I had relieved myself. I admitted I hadn't done anything, and he told me I wouldn't need the vibrator anymore. I agreed, and the conversation turned to my sexuality. I answered his questions, and he remarked that I was a typical white girl who gets hooked after experiencing black intimacy. I lowered my head in agreement. Ron then instructed me to stand up and change the music, which I did. As I started to walk back towards him, he stopped me, stood up, and walked over to the loveseat where he sat.

Now, baby girl, it's time for the after-dinner show. I want you to dance for me. I started swaying my hips, running my hands over my breasts, and shaking my ass. I began to remove a strap from my shoulder.

"No, you don’t get naked until I say you do, do you understand?" I said yes and continued to dance for him. He could clearly see that I was aroused and ready to be intimate. He asked me what I wanted, and I replied that I wanted him to make love to me. He shook his head and instructed me to come to him. I did as he said, lying across his lap facing downward.

"Now, I'm gonna ask you again. What do you want?" I replied that I wanted him to be intimate with me. I felt his hand move across my backside, and I moaned softly as my dress was raised up and his hands grazed across my wet area.

"Do you like that, baby?" I said, "Oh yes." He then smacked my backside, and I squealed in pain. "You see, baby girl, you answered wrong. Now, every time I ask you a question and I don’t like the answer, you will be smacked. Do you understand?" I said yes.

"Now again, what do you want?" I replied that I wanted him inside me. He praised me, saying, "Very good, baby girl." I was relieved that I wasn’t going to be smacked again since the pain from the first smack lingered.

"Now, baby girl, what have you been thinking about all day?" I said that I had been thinking about him. Another loud smack occurred.

"Don’t lie to me. You know you were thinking about what you were doing last night all day. You know what that makes you." I shook my head no, but he said I was a black cock slut.

"Do you agree with my assessment of you?" I whispered, "Yes." He demanded I say it louder, and I replied, "Yes, I am what you say." Another smack occurred.
"Say it." "I'm a black cock slut," I said. Ron smacked my backside again, correcting me to say, "No, baby girl, you’re my black cock slut from now on. Do you understand?" I said yes. "I am your black cock slut, Ron."

He commanded me to get him another drink and bring my address book and cell phone to him. He scrolled through the numbers, asking who everyone was, and deleting any numbers of black men. "I'm the only black man in your life now," he told me as he ripped the numbers out of my address book. When he finished, he warned me that if he caught me with any other black men, I would never see him again. I nodded in agreement, and he added that white men were included in that, but he knew I wouldn't go back to them.

Ron stood up and told me to follow him into the bedroom. I sat on the bed, but he told me to stand up. I apologized, and he instructed me to bend over and spanked me again.

"Don’t do anything around me unless I tell you to. Do you understand?"

I said yes, and he told me to light the candles, which I did. As I walked towards him, he commanded me to stop.

"Unleash those big white titties, baby girl." I lowered my dress, standing with my breasts exposed and the dress clinging to my stomach. He mentioned he didn’t like tan lines and told me to work on that, to which I agreed.

"Now come over here, undress me, and place my clothes on the chair next to you." Ron stood up, and I began removing his clothing, revealing his amazing body. I placed his clothes on the chair and dropped his silk boxers to the ground. He then told me to come back to him and bend over, smacking me again. He emphasized the importance of respecting his clothes as much as him, and I replied, "Yes, Ron." I folded his clothes neatly on the chair.

Good girl, now crawl over to me. I pause at his request, then his voice rises up. "Crawl to me now," he commands. I get on all fours and crawl over to the bed. "Now, baby girl, what do you want?" I reply, "I want your black cock in me." "Anywhere," he replies. "Yes, anywhere. I just want to feel your black cock in me."

"Good lil white trash slut," he says as he positions his cock in front of my face. I lean forward to lick it, but he stops me. "Not until I say you're ready," he says, smacking my face with his massive member. "Do you like sucking on black dicks, baby girl?" he asks. "Yes, very much," I reply. "All you white girls like sucking dick, that's why black men like using you."

"Beg me to let you suck my cock," Ron says.
"May I please suck on your wonderful black cock, pleeeeaaase?" I ask. "Ask me to fuck your face with my cock." "Please, fuck my face with your black cock, Ron. I want it so bad."

He tells me to start sucking, and I grab onto his cock like a baby reaching for a bottle. I've been dreaming of this cock all day, and it shows in my blowjob. He grabs my head and tells me to stop, then instructs me to get on the bed. I position myself with my head off the bed a little bit.

"Beg me to fuck your face, baby girl," he commands. "
Please, fuck my face. I want to taste that wonderful black seed in my mouth." He slowly begins to fuck my face, and I moan and slobber over it. I try to touch my pussy, but he stops me. "
Don't touch that pussy until I say so," he orders. He continues to fuck my face and asks me to beg for his cum. "I wanna swallow every drop of black cum you have, Ron. Please give it to me."

"Very nice, my lil white whore," he says as his cock moves in and out. He pulls back and tells me not to wipe the cum off my face
. "Did you swallow every drop of cum from the guys that you sucked off?" he asks. "Yes," I reply. "You know what that makes you, right?" "
I'm a black cock slut," I admit. "Yes, you are, but you're all mine now."

"Now get on all fours, and I'm gonna give you what you want," Ron says. "My black cock deep in that slutty white pussy and that big ass. If you thought I was gonna go down on you, you were dead wrong." I didn't care; I just wanted his cock inside me. I waited in anticipation, begging Ron to fuck me. I feel his cock head press against my pussy lips, and I purr like a kitten. He asks if I like that, and I reply, "Yes, oh god, yes." He begins to feed inch by inch into my pussy.

"I love your cock in me," I moan out. He smacks my ass and tells me to say it right. "I love having your black cock inside my pussy, Ron," I correct myself.
He starts to move in and out, and I cum almost instantly. He continues to pick up the pace, pounding my ass like there's no tomorrow. I moan and scream in ecstasy, thinking to myself that I've never had it this good. I scream out, "Fuck my pussy with that wonderful black cock of yours. I'm your lil black cock slut."

"Again, baby girl," he repeats, pounding my pussy harder and harder. Each orgasm becomes more intense as this black Adonis ravages my pussy. I love every moment and know I'd do anything to feel this again. He slams his cock deep into me, slowly pulling it out and doing this over and over again.

"You like it this way, or do you like me pounding that pussy of yours?" he asks. "
Pound my pussy with your black cock, Ron. Please, rape your lil slut's white pussy," I beg. He picks up the pace, and wave after wave of orgasm fills my body. He pulls out of my stretched and worn-out pussy, and I collapse onto the bed with a feeling of emptiness. I lay there exhausted, and Ron lies next to me on his back.

"Did my lil white slut like that?" he asks. I smile and say yes. "Good. Now get your ass up and ride me. It's time for your slutty ass to do some work." My legs are like jello, but I manage to get on top of Ron and begin to position my sore pussy over his cock. He stops me and tells me to turn around.

"I don't wanna look at your cum-dried face," he says. I turn around and mount his massive black cock, feeling the emptiness dissipate. I begin to work his cock in and out of my pussy, increasing the pace while moaning about how much I love his cock inside me.

"Ride that black cock, you lil slut," Ron bellows. His words are like magic, and I ride him like there's no tomorrow. His hands fondle and squeeze my breasts, pinching my nipples

"Damn, girl, you're the first slut I've met with tits that big and real. I may have to put them to use tonight," he says. I moan, telling him he can do whatever he wants. I slow down my riding, getting his cock deep into my pussy and grinding my hips on his groin. Ron moans softly and tells me to keep doing that. I continue to grind, feeling his hand over my clit, sending me into repeated orgasms.

Ron orders me to get off him and stand up next to the bed. My legs are like jello, but I manage to stand. "Get me a glass of water, bitch," he commands. I walk to the kitchen naked and sore, feeling the cool breeze from the refrigerator against my body. I walk back and give him a bottle of water.

"Do you like having my dick in your pussy?" he asks. I smile and tell him that I love it. "Good girl, you've learned the correct answer. Have you ever had a black man's dick in your ass?" he inquires. I tell him many times. "Typical slut," Ron remarks. "Do you want my cock in your ass?" I eagerly nod my head yes, saying I want his black cock in my ass.

"Why, my lil white tease?" he asks. "Because I'm your black cock slut and will do whatever you want me to," I reply. "Good girl."

"Now take my clothes into the living room, stand over that chair, and wait for me," Ron commands. I do as he says, grabbing onto the arms of the chair and waiting for him to pound my ass just as he did my pussy. I feel a pair of strong hands grab onto my waist, and the tip of his cock presses against my asshole.

"What do you want, baby girl?" Ron asks. "Pound my ass with your wonderful black cock, Ron," I say. Before I can even finish, his cock begins to make its way into my ass, and I moan in ecstasy. He slowly moves it in and out until my ass gets used to having his massive cock inside. He cups my breasts, squeezes, and then moves his hands back down to my waist, moving his cock in and out of my ass harder and harder.

"I love being fucked by black cock," I scream out, making Ron increase the pace. He repeatedly pounds my ass, and I love every moment. I hear a loud smack across my ass and moan out, "Oh yes, baby, again."

"What are you?" Ron screams. "I'm your black cock slut, Ron," I shout. "Louder." "I'm your black cock slut, Ron," I scream. He pulls out and tells me to turn around and get on my knees. I turn around and fall to the ground, feeling a void in my ass that can only be filled by Ron's cock. "Now, squeeze those big white tits together so I can fuck them," he commands. I squeeze my breasts together, and Ron begins to titty fuck me.

"Do you like that, slut?" he asks. "Yes," I reply
. He continues to fuck my tits faster and faster, telling me to open my mouth. I open my mouth wide, and he shoves his cock into it, unloading wave after wave of cum. I swallow every drop, cleaning his cock off. He pulls back, and I collapse to the floor.

"You did very well, slut. I may have to fuck you again," Ron says. I beg him to do so, and he smiles, agreeing. He walks out to take a shower, and I lay there exhausted, wondering what round two will be like. He walks back into the living room to get dressed. I crawl into the living room, too weak to walk, to see what's up.

"I'm done with you tonight. I may be back tomorrow if I don't find anything better. At least I know now that some of the brothers weren't lying when they said you were a great fuck. Now, get some rest; you may need it," Ron says as he walks out the door. I go to bed, exhausted and wanting to dream about what just happened. I crawl into my soaked bed and fall asleep with a smile on my face, knowing this will be a fun summer.

Houston, Texas, United States