Reviews - FAQ - Scam

Q: Is a free site?
A: can be used free of charge. It's free to sign up, browse, view profiles, add pictures, email, private chat, comment & lots more. You can use the site as a free member for as long as you wish, but of course, premium members have more fun.

Q: Do you offer trial period membership?
A: Rocktie does not offer trial membership periods.

Q: Why isn't totally free?
A: Our paid membership is essential to sustain the high-quality services our users expect, as the significant costs associated with operating on a dedicated server, managing an email service, ensuring a seamless chat experience, and providing a media uploading service, among other essential site components, cannot be covered through free access alone. This model enables us to maintain a reliable, secure, and fast service, ensuring we can continue to offer the best possible user experience and keep up with the latest technological advancements.

Q: My partner and I have public/government jobs and do not want to upload pictures. What can we do?
A: It is common for members in the lifestyle to crop out your faces in the pictures before uploading them to the site.

Q: Does Rocktie offer LGBT sign ups (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender)?
A: Yes, Absolutely!

Q: Can I send friend request to anyone with a free account?
A: Free accounts can request friends but only to members that are in the same city/state/providence. Paid members can request and accepts friends from anyone and anywhere.

Q: Can I change my status from single male to a couple (or from couple to single male)?
A: Unfortunately, this action is not allowed. If necessary, please close your current account or request its termination, and then proceed to create a new one. It's important to note that if you have an active paid subscription, it cannot be transferred to the new account.

Q: Will I lose my paid status if I decide to close/terminate my account and create a new one?
A: Yes, once you close/terminate your account your paid membership will NOT apply to the new account.

Q: What do the icons on the top right mean?
A: Email Notifications Icon - Friend Request Notifications Icon - Likes & Comments Notifications Icon - Visitors Notifications Icon - Profile Thumbnail (Tools)

Q: How are Wall Of Fame (WOF) photos chosen?
A: Wall Of Fame (WOF) photos are hand selected by staff and chosen by either pose, sexiness, cuteness, uniqueness or all of the above. Wall of fame pictures get more exposure than regular photos. Wall of Fame photos (the G-rated ones) also appear on the main homepage...visible to everyone before login. Image quality does help with the final decision.

Q: Why is my video showing up with HOT-V?
A: Hot-V The HOT-V tag is a video that have been hand-selected/tag as a hot video. HOT-V videos get more exposure than regular videos.

Q: What are stickers
A: Stickers are simply virtual gifts that you can sent to other members.

Q: What are brand stickers
A: Those are stickers that have been added by the member to label his own profile page. Branding your profile page with a sticker(s) is just another way to define/label your interest.

Q: I forgot my password what should I do?
A: Click on Forgot Password

Q: How can I resend my activation email?
A: Click on Resend activation email

Q: I noticed other members uploading adult photos, why are mine not getting approved?
A: During the approval process we encourage all new members to upload "clean" photos. Once approved you are more than welcome to upload adult/nude photos.

Q: Is a scam?
A: No, is a legit, registered and licensed website.
Tip: Do your research when buying anything online and don't blindly believe what other people say - good or bad. If you have any questions, concerns, or hesitations, you're more than welcome to contact us.

Q: What happens to my photos if I decide to close my account?
A: All your account information including photos are completely deleted from our database. We do NOT keep personal information or photos, once your account is deleted it's gone for good.

Q: Why are my photos being declined?
A: Either you are not taking the time to read the photo guidelines, photo(s) display bad appearance or we have determined they weren't fit for our lifestyle website.

Q: Why was my account declined/removed?
A 1: Uploaded a profile photo that violates profile photo (master photo) rules.
A 2. Members flagging your account.
A 3. Spamming others with your Kik, email or phone number.
A 4. Single male pretending to be a couple/female.
A 5. Your account violated our terms and conditions.

Q: How can I get my account back
A: If you account has been removed you are welcome to register for a new account.

Q: I have been blocked from using the chat services, why?
A: If you type a word that has been filtered out with (***) multiple times the chat system will automatically block your chat account.

Q: Why are my recent chat users no longer visible?
A: Chat history (user's conversations) is automatically cleaned on a weekly basis to keep the chat running smoothly.

Q: I get an invalid email error when trying to login
A: Most likely your account was not approved and was removed from our database.

Q: How can I manage my profile?
A: You can manage your profile via the Tools page.

Q: What is a sponsor?
A: A sponsor is a paid member. Through paid members, we are able to accomplish our goal in maintaining the site running smoothly and continue working to provide our members with a better customer experience.

Q: What are Credits for?
A: Credits are used to brand your profile (make a statement with Stickers) or to send stickers as a gift to other members.

Q: How do I close my account?
A: Please refer to the "Help" page Help

What payment options do you offer?
Once logged in, please visit our payment options page Payment Options.

I purchase a membership what's next?
If you purchase a membership and need your account updated, click Payment Made.

Billing questions
For billing questions on your account please login and Contact Us link located on the top.

Q: Need more help?
A: Visit the Help Page.