
My friend & I were laying down this secluded creek. As we turned this corner we saw this gorgeous woman sunbathing, as we got closer we realized she was nude sunbathing. As we got even closer we saw that she was also pleasuring herself. She was completely oiled up wearing nothing but sun glasses & a devilish grin. We slowly got closer, she noticed us, pulled her glasses to the tip of her nose, removed her right hand from her thighs, licked her finger & gave us the come here gesture. We paddled to shore, pulled the kayak up and stood there for a Moment overusing her on her back, legs spread wide and fingers knuckle deep inside herself. We slowly approached, both of us noticeably erect in our shorts. We went to each side of her, she reaches up and is stroking our cocks over our shorts. We helped slide them to our ankles and she began swallowing our cocks while stroking the other. - I’ll tell you more if you message me!

Sexual Confession 

Yes please

Oh I like it tell me more.. Sounds very hot

Sure tell me more

Yes please.