I once fucked a guy in the backseat of my car while hubby drove us around

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I once fucked a guy in the backseat of my car while hubby drove us around

I once fucked a guy in the backseat of my car while hubby drove us around

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Ok, since you asked ;*

So my husband is a freak, has been since before I met him, and he finally convinced me to try the lifestyle a couple years ago. One of our most memorable situations was when we met Tyler. He replied to an ad we placed looking for someone bi so hubby could explore but the timing just didn't work out for us to get a room for one reason or another.

Then, hubby had a brilliant, and naughty, idea.

See, hubby likes to watch just as much as he likes to join and he asked me if I'd be interested in a scenario where Tyler and I would be in the backseat while hubby drove. It sounded hot, naughty, and a little dangerous, so I said ok and agreed to pick up Tyler from the gym.

I wore a light summer dress with no panties or bra and after a few pleasantries, Tyler wasted no time leaning over to kiss me and explore. I saw hubby slightly adjust the rearview mirror to get a better view and I smiled at him as Tyler explored under my dress, while hubby drove around Bakersfield looking for a place to park.

Tyler had other ideas.

"Why don't you suck me while your husband drives?", he said. I looked at the rearview and saw daddy with a shit eating grin on his face and I swear I saw him drooling lol. With that encouragement, I leaned over and fished out Tyler's cock from his shorts and bent down to suck him.

He was thick but not very long and soon I had him down my throat and could feel and taste a lot of precum. After a few moments he stopped me and said to just get on top of him. Hubby grinned more and nodded at me and I just smiled and rolled my eyes at him, but I straddled Tyler and took him in me. His thickness felt GOOD.

It was almost like the motion of the car added to our own movements and soon we were in a nice steady rhythm while daddy tried his best to drive and keep his eyes on the road while at the same time watching the scene unfolding in the back. I wondered if people could see through my jet black tint what was happening whenever we stopped at a light or stop sign and that had me so turned on. I think Tyler felt the same because no sooner did we find a place to park that he started cumming. I swear he had a gallon saved up because it started flowing out of me. Blast after blast I felt inside as my riding caused an obscene squelching sound and frothed up the cum. After a few moments he was done and I got off him.


I swear there was so much cum dripping out of me and so thick it made a splat as it landed on my seat. Before I could clean it hubby said in a stern voice, "Save it. I want to clean and fuck you at home." I looked at him in the mirror and rubbed my pussy, playing with the cum that had flowed out of me.

But we weren't done yet. Tyler had more and he said, "Let's drive to another park".

To be continued.

Sexual Confession 
Bakersfield, California, United States

Good story Drooling


Yes definitely want to hear more. That sounds hot