WNY Stag and Vixen sexy playing fun

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So many miss conceptions about one of the oldest adult games. We are not swingers. We are not looking for sex set ups. The stag is usually a educated alpha man. Sure enough to know his vixen belongs to him. The Vixen is usually smoking hot Not looking to screw everyone. Picky. Likes attention. Interesting conversation laughing and flashing flirty fun There are 4 levels widely accepted as degrees in our erotic playtime 1). Introduction. Bull keeps looking. Gets a smile from vixen. He comes over to say hi 2). Small talk with interesting conversation, getting aquatinted. Light flashing, flirting, laughing and fun. Usually 45 minutes to an hour; and if having fun. Bull suggests getting away from stag. Maybe play pool or if in casino. Go off and play slots. Whatever 3) Vixen tells stag and she goes off with her new friend. The heat is definitely turned up. Some light touching, kissing, Bull let’s vixen know he wants her. Spoiling her and brushing her butt and legs as she shows him her special views. 4). The ultimate goal. Vixen invites you to room with her stag for a drink. If and when it gets to hot. Stag usually leaves, allowing vixen her free time to freak and leave bull thanking his lucky stars New personal hook ups section and news letter monthly
Buffalo, New York, United States

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Men it’s 2021. The idea that sex is for making love. What a bunch of crap After Years of sex You know it has lost some heat. Nothing heats up your playtime like letting your hot wife let her sexy side out.